Whatever it is holding you back in your life, you need to change two things: The meanings that you give to things and your behavior. Here’s the good news, change one and the other will change to. Commit to working with Ian to break through the thought patterns that are holding you back and producing limiting behavior.
We refer phobia clients to Ian because he gets exceptional results in turning around people’s fears and phobias.
Fears and phobias are real, as real as your thinking allows them to be, and as real as your thinking defines them. Alone it is not always that easy to consciously change your thinking. Chose now to let Ian introduce you to the latest cognitive technology to enable you to overcome fears and phobias with speed.
“This time last year I was completely shut down, afraid to leave the house, spending most of my time in my bedroom. My parents found Ian , and I am writing this email from a skiing holiday. I have gone back to College and I have a great life. I am living.” Anna
“Don’t dream it, be it”
Let Ian show you how to recognize that it is fear, see the fear for what it is and step right through. Step through to the life that you want.
“I had flown for years, then all of a sudden a fear started to grow. Pretty soon I was petrified at even the thought of flying, I could not even go to the airport. This had massive implications for my job, and my life. Ian worked with me and now I am regularly flying without worry, fear or anxiety”. Julia.